So Annabelle has still been breaking out with swelling, rashes, and hives since Monday. She looked better when we brought her home from the doctor and then broke out again a few hours later. It keeps happening on and off and we can't figure out what it is. Fortunately once we give her some Benadryl it starts to clear up some. If she isn't still being exposed to it then the doctor said that it could take up to a week to clear up. We went to the allergy specialist today and talked to him for a while going over everything and anything, but we haven't been able to figure it out yet. They are going to send her blood work to the lab and screen it for some common food allergies like peanut butter, milk, eggs, wheat, and for some reason catfish. We really hope that it isn't one of these things because it seems like just about everything is made up of these ingredients. I would be surprised if it is one of these foods considering Annabelle has never eaten any of them except for some wheat bread, unless she is becoming so sensitive that it is affecting her through my breast milk. I have always been so cautious about what I feed her for this very reason, so that she doesn't develop any food allergies. Anyhow, we still have no idea really. We put her on a pretty basic diet so we will see how she does with it. There is still some possibility that it could be something other than a food allergy, but more than likely it is an allergy. Hopefully we will be able to figure it out soon. I don't like the thought about having to use the EpiPen that I'm carrying around in case she has trouble breathing. I am very glad that she hasn't seemed to be bothered or in pain from any of this, and that she can still be our happy little girl that we love so much. Here are a few pictures of her reaction yesterday afternoon. It's not as bad as it was, but it certainly isn't looking good. The rest of her body looked pretty similar to this too. She has looked pretty good through most of today and her face is back to normal right now. We really appreciate those who have been thinking of us and your prayers. We are thankful to have such amazing family and friends. We know that she will be fine but it is still scary to see our little girl looking like this.

These were taken before her allergic reactions. She is always busy exploring and playing with everything. She got herself stuck in this stool. We just love our beautiful baby girl so much and we are always having so much fun with her! She is continuously coming up with new things.

Jeff went to pick her up and she wanted to keep playing with her stroller so she held onto it with all her might. She has a really strong grip.
Wow, I can't believe she's being such a trooper. I had hives once from amox. and it was miserable!
ReplyDeleteWe definitely understand the frustration of trying to "solve the mystery" over here. Hopefully you're more successful at it than we are!
I really hope everything gets figured out soon. She's such a cutie! I love seeing her expressions and it's good to see she's still up and about!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! Poor little thing:( I hope she gets better soon and they find out whats causing it. There is nothing worse than having your baby sick and even more so if you dont know how to fix it! My heart goes out to you guys:( Keep us posted on how shes doing. (She's still adorable as ever)