When Annabelle woke up this morning we found her looking like this...
She had extreme swelling, redness, and rashes all over her entire body. Of course I immediately freaked out and panicked and scrambled to get her ready to go to the doctor. Who knows when this all started in the night - she was fine when we put her to bed at 7:00 and then we didn't see her again until 7:30 the next morning. She had not had anything to eat since the night before and I knew she was hungry so we fed her the safest thing we thought she could handle. We arrived at the doctor office and the doctor came right out to the waiting room to look at her. He told the receptionist to have her admitted to the back immediately, however it still took a few minutes. Then the doctor comes out and demands for the nurse to have us ready and sent back. I was grateful for that doctor. They had 6 nurses hold her down to draw her blood and put in an iv for some medications. It turns out that she is obviously allergic to something, now the trick is figuring out what it is. We are going to see the allergist on Wednesday. And go figure Jeff had two tests today of all days so I was alone with her at the doctor for most of the time. 

The swelling has now dropped from her eyes into her cheeks. She is looking much better but definitely not back to normal yet.

She was quite a trooper through it all and stayed being her happy little self. Fortunately, she didn't seem bothered by the massive welts and swelling that covered her body. Here is a little clip of her playing at the doctor. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers!
Poor little baby. How sad. Todd says her eyes made her look kind of like our friend's kids who are half Japanese. We are glad she is getting better.
ReplyDeletePoor Annabelle! We'll definitely keep her in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteWow that would definitely scare the crap out of me! Poor little girl! I'm glad she's getting better. Any idea yet on what she was allergic to?
ReplyDeletePoor Baby!!!! Addison woke up one night during the summer screaming and wiggling all over the place... i started to check her out and she had hives head to toe. it was crazy because it was hours after she had eaten anything. anyways we gave her some benadryl and she was better within an hour. we think the culprit was peanut butter reeses puffs. she hasn't been tested though... seems like lots of kids are allergic to peanuts now a days. I can't imagine waking up to my baby having huge welts!!!! thats crazy... feel better annabelle!
ReplyDeleteOHHHH that poor little baby!!! We hope you find the culprit soon.
ReplyDeleteAwww, poor baby! I hope she gets back to her normal self soon!!