Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who knew a fire pit could be so fun

Here's a little taste of Annabelle from the last week...

We have had a lot of fun with our fire pit in our backyard so far. Earlier this week we cooked up some hobo dinners in it and they were quite delicious! Annabelle got to see her first fire, which she was mesmerized by.

Here I am trying to take a nice picture with my daughter and she is making monster faces.

She thought it was pretty funny when I was taking her shirt off and it got stuck on her head. It makes a pretty wig though.


  1. Awesome. That is the best scrunchy face video. She is definintly raising the bar for her waiting public.

  2. What a cutie! I love the sniffing action, so funny!

    Happy Thanksgiving Bushmans:)
