Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Half Way

We can't believe our baby girl is already halfway to a year! I was talking to Jeff the other day about how she is growing up and learning to do so many new things and I must admit I cried... "But she's my little baby and I don't want her to grow up...". Although it is sad to see her become a big girl, it is also so exciting to see each new stage. She had her 6 month doctor appointment this morning and she weighs 15 lbs. 4 oz. and is 25 1/4 in. long. Some of her favorite things are:
  • reaching for anything and everything and then trying to chew on it, being outside, making noises and screaming, cuddling, rolling over and over, rolling herself to the corner of her crib to sleep, making so many different funny faces, being a copycat, watching herself in the mirror, watching Mommy and Daddy, reading books and playing with toys... She is so much fun!
The other day Jeff and I planted some bushes in our front yard along the sidewalk leading up to our front door. Annabelle just hung out in her stroller singing/screaming and watching us. She absolutely loves to be outside. It was such a nice day. It has been so hot but we have been lucky to have a few nice days where the weather has been actually enjoyable.

Here is her first experience with rice cereal. She did really well with it.

We realized that we don't have enough pictures of the 3 of us together, so we tried to take some. Sometimes when we are having a Kodak moment Jeff and I wish that we had a family photographer to follow us around everywhere. Too bad we don't have one of those.

This girl is so happy when we get her from her crib when she wakes up in the morning or from a nap.

We used some of our free bowling coupons and went bowling the other day. Jeff got 2 turkeys! (FYI - depending on where you live, you can buy Tony's frozen pizzas and you might find a free game of bowling coupon on the back of the box. Just check a local bowling alley that accepts it. We love free stuff)

Miss happy go lucky.

And a cheesy smile.


  1. She is so cute! I can't believe she is already 6 months, time goes by so fast. I can't wait til we get to meet her. Brylee is so excited to have a little girl to play with! :)

  2. Rebecca we cry too, but for different reasons.
